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Oblivion:Replica Items

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Many people own replicas of beautiful masterpieces to brighten up some corner of their home. In Cyrodiil, this is no different. Numerous Nobility and some Guild Halls will have them displayed to impress all who lay eyes on them. While these goodies may look tempting, they are utterly worthless, intended for display, or ceremonial use only. They are usually found in display cases, and often with Hard or Very Hard locks on them, which makes the reward/effort ratio tend towards zero. This page lists all the relevant information pertaining to them.


For all replica weapons:

Item FormID Weight Location(s)
1-Hand Blades
OB-icon-weapon-EbonyDagger.png Ebony Dagger Replica 000C5616 9 Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Hall
Bravil Castle Great Hall
On Lorenz Bog-Trotter's body in the Lost Crypt of Knotty BrambleSI
OB-icon-weapon-EbonyShortsword.png Ebony Shortsword Replica 000C798A 20 nowhere
OB-icon-weapon-ElvenLongsword.png Elven Long Sword Replica 000C55FF 36 Kemen, Chorrol Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-weapon-ElvenShortsword.png Elven Shortsword Replica 000C7985 16 nowhere
OB-icon-weapon-GlassDagger.png Glass Dagger Replica 000C7973 8 Bravil Castle Great Hall (x2)
Arcane University Arch-Mage's Tower (x2)
OB-icon-weapon-GlassLongsword.png Glass Longsword Replica 000C5601 40 Chorrol Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-weapon-GlassShortsword.png Glass Shortsword Replica 000C7989 18 nowhere
2-Hand Blades
OB-icon-weapon-DwarvenClaymore.png Dwarven Claymore Replica 000C5606 38 Leyawiin Fighters Guild Hall
1-Hand Blunts
OB-icon-weapon-DwarvenWarAxe.png Dwarven War Axe Replica 000C5602 24 Chorrol Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-weapon-EbonyMace.png Ebony Mace Replica 000C561F 39 Bruma Fighters Guild Hall
Bravil Castle Great Hall
2-Hand Blunts
OB-icon-weapon-EbonyWarhammer.png Ebony Warhammer Replica 000C5604 84 Leyawiin Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-weapon-GlassBattleAxe.png Glass Battle Axe Replica 000C5608 62 Leyawiin Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-weapon-DwarvenBow.png Dwarven Bow Replica 000C7979 14 The Archer's Paradox, Bravil


For all ceremonial armor:

Item FormID Weight Location(s)
OB-icon-armor-ElvenCuirass.png Elven Ceremonial Cuirass 000C55FE 13 Anvil Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-GlassCuirass(m).pngOB-icon-armor-GlassCuirass(f).png Glass Ceremonial Cuirass 000C560B 15 Bravil Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-EbonyGauntlets.png Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets 000C5615 10.5 Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Hall
Bruma Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-GlassGauntlets.png Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets 000C560D 3 Bravil Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-ElvenHelmet.png Elven Ceremonial Helmet 000CAB65 2.6 Lipsand Tarn
OB-icon-armor-DwarvenShield.png Dwarven Ceremonial Shield 000C5610 16 Skingrad Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-EbonyShield.png Ebony Ceremonial Shield 000C561E 21 Bruma Fighters Guild Hall
OB-icon-armor-ElvenShield.png Elven Ceremonial Shield 000C7984 5.2 nowhere
OB-icon-armor-GlassShield.png Glass Ceremonial Shield 000C560E 6 Bravil Fighters Guild Hall