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Wraiths and all of their variants are often encountered throughout the darker parts of Cyrodiil. Wraiths are categorized into the weak Faded Wraiths, common Wraiths, and the far more powerful Gloom Wraiths. The higher level the wraith, the higher their health and the stronger their spells. All wraiths have a unique and debilitating curse that they frequently employ, and they are immune to silence. Most wraiths have several additional spells, in particular ones that deal frost damage and silence targets. As further protection, roughly half of all wraiths carry a leveled sword.

Types and Appearance[edit]

Wraiths are relatively large hovering ghosts that wear tattered black robes (except Gloom Wraiths, which wear purple). Faded Wraiths and Wraiths are nearly identical in appearance; the only difference is that Faded Wraiths are more transparent. The two weaker types both have sickly green skin and deep black eyes, while Gloom Wraiths have a lighter brown skin tone and glowing white eyes nestled in large eye sockets. Gloom Wraiths are most easily recognizable by the crown perched on their ghostly heads, evidently a symbol of their previous status while still living. When nearing any wraith, you may notice a high pitched keening like the wail of a banshee. Upon death, yellow-green vapor comes out of their mouths and they collapse into a pile of robes.

Faded Wraith[edit]

A Faded Wraith

Faded Wraiths are considered the weakest variant of wraith and are commonly encountered at lower levels. However, don't underestimate them, as they can be a challenging opponent to anyone not prepared with silver, Daedric, Dremora, or enchanted weapons.

Creature Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapon Resist Attacks Soul
Faded Wraith
Standard, Unarmed
Ectoplasm 280 100 100 100 Common
Faded Wraith
Standard, Armed
Random Poison (25%)
280 100 100 100 Common
Faded Wraith
Ectoplasm 280 200 200 150 Common
Unique Faded Wraiths
Creature Level Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapon Resist Attacks Soul
Sanctified Ancient Spectre
(Faded Wraith)
15-18 Ectoplasm 280 100 100 100 Common
Llathasa's Spirit
(Faded Wraith)
12-15 Ectoplasm 280 100 100 100 Common
Found in Cheydinhal Chapel Undercroft during The Elven Maiden quest. At level 16+ Llathasa's Spirit appears as a Wraith.


A Wraith

Wraiths are encountered at the middle levels. They are much stronger than Faded Wraiths and should be approached with caution. It is strongly recommended that you enter combat without having an almost full inventory, as they make good use of burden spells that deprive you of all ability to evade their other attacks.

Creature Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapon Resist Attacks Soul
Standard, Unarmed
Ectoplasm 400 100 100 100 Greater
Standard, Armed
210 100 100 100
  • Same spells as unarmed Wraith
  • Longsword (Dwarven, Elven, or Glass)
  • 20pts melee, unarmed
Unique Wraiths
Spectral Sailor
Sharpened Cutlass
100 100 100 >=LesserL:+1

On the Serpent's Wake during The Ghost Ship of Anvil quest

Sanctified Ancient Spectre
Ectoplasm 400 100 100 100 Greater

Gloom Wraith[edit]

A Gloom Wraith

Gloom Wraiths are the strongest variant of wraith, and appear only at the higher levels. They differ greatly in appearance to other wraiths, and are formidable foes in battle. They are commonly encountered in large numbers in chapel undercrofts, so take care in entering.

Creature Carries Health Frost Resist Poison Resist Normal Weapon Resist Attacks Soul
Gloom Wraith
Ectoplasm 24×
100 100 100 GrandL:-3
Gloom Wraith
Random Poison (50%)
100 100 100 GrandL:-3
Gloom Wraith
Ectoplasm 500 100 100 100 Grand
Unique Gloom Wraiths
Gable the Traitor
Small Key 24×
100 100 100 >=LesserL:+1

Lower deck of the Emma May during The Forlorn Watchman quest

Sanctified Ancient Spectre
(Gloom Wraith)
Ectoplasm 24×
100 100 100 GrandL:-3
Wrath of Sithis
Dagger of Discipline
100 100 100 Grand

Attack you during your sleep after being exiled from the Dark Brotherhood. The 215-health wraith is sent the first time you are kicked out; the 500-health wraith is sent the second time; the 700-health wraith is sent the third time. Before getting expelled from the Brotherhood, the wraiths can be found in the holding cell DarkWraithHoldingPen, which is only accessible using the console.


  • Wraiths that wield weapons move significantly faster than unarmed wraiths.


  • Upon death, the death animation may not play; leaving the Wraith standing as if it were still alive, but fully lootable.
  • Using the Paralyze spell on a Wraith and killing it while it is stunned sends its remains through the ground texture thus rendering it unlootable in most cases.
  • When using a life detection spell, weapon-wielding Wraiths will emit two life forms, the second of which is the weapon.