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Morrowind Mod:GetStat
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: Alphabetical Functions / Categorical Functions(Redirected from Morrowind Mod:GetIntelligence)
GetAcrobatics | GetAgility | GetAlarm | GetAlchemy | GetAlteration | GetArmorBonus |
GetArmorer | GetAthletics | GetAttackBonus | GetAxe | GetBlindness | GetBlock |
GetBluntWeapon | GetCastPenalty | GetChameleon | GetConjuration | GetDefendBonus | GetDestruction |
GetDisposition | GetEnchant | GetEndurance | GetFatigue | GetFight | GetFlee |
GetFlying | GetHandToHand | GetHealth | GetHeavyArmor | GetHello | GetIllusion |
GetIntelligence | GetInvisible | GetLevel | GetLightArmor | GetLongBlade | GetLuck |
GetMarksman | GetMediumArmor | GetMagicka | GetMercantile | GetMysticism | GetParalysis |
GetPCCrimeLevel | GetPCVisionBonus | GetPersonality | GetReputation | GetResistBlight | GetResistCorprus |
GetResistDisease | GetResistFire | GetResistFrost | GetResistMagicka | GetResistNormalWeapons | GetResistParalysis |
GetResistPoison | GetResistShock | GetRestoration | GetScale | GetSecurity | GetShortblade |
GetSilence | GetSneak | GetSpear | GetSpeechcraft | GetSpeed | GetStrength |
GetSuperJump | GetSwimSpeed | GetUnarmored | GetWaterBreathing | GetWaterWalking | GetWillpower |
Get____ Type: Stats Returns: float Example: if ( player->GetHealth < 10 ) set MyStr to GetStrength Scripts: ouch_keening puzzlecanal
These functions are used to return the various statistics of the calling actor or player. There are several special cases of the Get___ functions as described below.
- GetScale - New in Tribunal
- GetPCCrimeLevel - Player only
- GetPCVisionBonus - Player only, Undocumented
Note that the GetInvisible was incorrectly spelled as GetInvisibile in the original Morrowind game (fixed in a later patch or Tribunal?).