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This place page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: not added

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, not checked
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
Ashlands, [5,1]

Sanabi is a small isolated bandit cave deep in the Ashlands mountain range, far east of Caldera. It is located northeast of Marandus and past Sulipund.

The first group of bandits guard typical loot. The crates contain common clothing and jewelry, the barrels have random bandit loot, and a steel battle axe is placed on a bed-rest. A trapped door opens up to the second room which has a mage that summons Greater Bonewalkers. There is better leveled loot here: gems, booze, drugs, and soul gems. One barrel contains 250 iron arrows.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Arelvam Sadrano Male Dark Elf Knight 15 147 110 0 90 Complete Steel Armor
Boryn Varen Male Dark Elf Witchhunter 14 91 184 0 90 Summons Bonewalker
Dredyni Salvani Female Dark Elf Bard 13 104 152 0 90 Lute
Felsa Hleran Female Dark Elf Nightblade 17 96 116 0 90
Golar Omoran Male Dark Elf Knight 19 175 120 0 90 Imperial Silver Cuirass
Madaynu Aravel Female Dark Elf Healer 13 82 106 0 90
Rilasi Ralvayn Female Dark Elf Barbarian 15 142 102 0 90
Sulen Sarandus Male Dark Elf Crusader 16 155 112 0 90 Imperial Silver Cuirass


  • The "dead body" fly-buzzing sound can be heard in the far southeast room in the cave, near the table with a paper lantern on it. There is no dead body in this area. ?

