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Morrowind:Ash Creatures

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Ash creatures are horrific monsters spawned by Dagoth Ur through connection with the disease known as Corprus. They can most commonly be found in the vicinity of Red Mountain, although exceptions do occur throughout the game.

Ascended Sleeper[edit]

Ascended Sleeper

Ascended Sleepers are distorted half-Dunmer, half-beast abominations created through magic. They are usually associated with Dagoth Ur. Sleepers are intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous to all but the most experienced travelers, hurling powerful Destruction spells at their foes. When killed, they leave no corpse except for their skull.

Ascended Sleepers will greet you in one of two ways:

"What are you doing? You have no idea. Poor animal. You struggle and fight, and understand nothing."
"A bug. A weed. A piece of dust. Busy, busy, busy."

They also have a dialogue topic:

Understand nothing: "You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just dream and waking over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?"
Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul Level
Ascended Sleeper
Ash Salts 300 400
Dagoth Fandril
dagoth fandril
(Tureynulal, Bladder of Clovis)
Dagoth Molos
dagoth molos
(Tureynulal, Kagrenac's Library)
6th House Amulet 280
  • 10-15 pts / 10-33 pts / 10-15 pts melee
  • Fire Storm - Fire Damage 1-10 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
  • Frost Storm - Frost Damage 1-10 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
  • Life Force - Absorb Health 5-30 pts for 30 secs on Touch, Absorb Fatigue 5-30 pts for 30 secs on Touch
  • Paralysis - Paralyze for 5 secs on Touch
  • Shockball - Shock Damage 2-40 pts in 10ft on Target
  • Toxic Cloud - Poison 2-15 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
Dagoth Felmis
dagoth felmis
(Vemynal, Hall of Torque)
Dagoth Rather
dagoth rather
(Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility)
Dagoth Garel
dagoth garel
(Vemynal, Outer Fortress)
Dagoth Reler
dagoth reler
(Kogoruhn, Dome of Urso)
Dagoth Goral
dagoth goral
(Endusal, Kagrenac's study)
Dagoth Tanis
dagoth tanis
(Falasmaryon, Lower Level)
Dagoth Hlevul
(Assemanu, Shrine)
Dagoth Uvil
dagoth uvil
(Kogoruhn, Temple of Fey)
Dagoth Malan
dagoth malan
Dagoth Vaner
dagoth vaner
(Dagoth Ur, Outer Facility)
Dagoth Ulen
dagoth ulen
(Kogoruhn, Vault of Aerode)
6th House Amulet
Lower Kogoruhn Key
Dagoth Irvyn
dagoth irvyn
(Dagoth Ur, Inner Tower)
6th House Amulet
  • Same as above, but replace Fire Storm with:
  • Fire Bite - Fire Damage 15-30 pts on Touch


  • On Xbox On the Xbox Game of the Year edition, Ascended Sleepers use Werewolf noises. This is because they do not have a properly assigned sound.

Ash Ghoul[edit]

Ash Ghoul

Ash Ghouls are half-Dunmer, half-beast creatures created by the dark magic of Dagoth Ur. Like Ash Zombies, they appear to be Dunmer who have had their upper faces removed, but a wormlike proboscis grows out of the hollow space. Despite being called "ghouls", these creatures are not undead; the only exception is Dagoth Baler, who is set as "undead" instead of "humanoid".

Ash Ghouls have three dialogue topics:

Dagoth Ur: "He will not come to you, Lord Nerevar. It is you who must beg forgiveness. Go to him, beneath Red Mountain, kneel before him, and he will show you mercy."
Fallen brother: "The soul of Dagoth Gares is among us. You have broken his body, but his spirit is with us in our waking dreams."
Will not submit: "You have chosen war with Dagoth Ur. We grieve for your loss, but we will not spare you. You refused the sweetness of Lord Dagoth's friendship. Now know the bitterness of his fury."
Creature Drops Health Reflect Attacks Soul Level
Ash Ghoul
Ash Salts 220 20 250
Dagoth Aladus
dagoth aladus
Dagoth Fovon
dagoth fovon
(Hassour, Shrine)
6th House Amulet 240 20 300
Dagoth Baler
dagoth baler
(Kogoruhn, Hall of the Watchful Touch)
Dagoth Girer
dagoth girer
(Kogoruhn, Dome of Pollock's Eve)
Dagoth Daynil
dagoth daynil
(Kogoruhn, Charma's Breath)
Dagoth Ienas
dagoth ienas
(Dagoth Ur, Outer Facility)
Dagoth Delnus
dagoth delnus
(Kogoruhn, Hall of Phisto)
Dagoth Mendras
dagoth mendras
(Endusal, Kagrenac's study)
Dagoth Drals
dagoth drals
(Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility)
Dagoth Mulis
dagoth mulis
Dagoth Draven
Dagoth Draven
(Subdun, Shrine)
Dagoth Muthes
dagoth muthes
(Dagoth Ur, Lower Facility)
Dagoth Elam
dagoth elam
(Kogoruhn, Bleeding Heart)
Dagoth Nilor
dagoth nilor
(Vemynal, Outer Fortress)
Dagoth Fervas
dagoth fervas
(Kogoruhn, Charma's Breath)
Dagoth Ralas
dagoth ralas
(Kogoruhn, Nabith Waterway)
Dagoth Soler
dagoth soler
(Vemynal, Hall of Torque)
Dagoth Fals
dagoth fals
(Tureynulal, Eye of Duggan)
Dagoth Galmis
dagoth galmis
(Tureynulal, Eye of Thom Wye)
6th House Amulet
Dagoth Fals's Key/
Dagoth Galmis's Key
Dagoth Ganel
(Falasmaryon, Lower Level)
Dagoth Mulyn
(Falasmaryon, Sewers)
Ash Salts 260
  • 1-11 pts melee
Dagoth Gares
dagoth gares
(Ilunibi, Soul's Rattle)
6th House Amulet
Message from Dagoth Ur
220 20 280
Dagoth Velos
(Yakin, Shrine)
Ash Salts 220
  • 1-10 pts melee
Dagoth Velos
dagoth velos
6th House Amulet 240 60 300


Ash Slave[edit]

Ash Slave

Ash Slaves are deranged humanoid creatures created by the dark magic of Dagoth Ur. Approach with caution, as they will often cast ranged destruction spells at you.

Their dialogue is oddly furniture-related; their greetings consist of the following:

"The chairs. The tables. All confused. We hear the words, and must speak them. We take them, and arrange them, but still, they will not be quiet."
"Everything is wrong. This is not straight. This is too high. This is in my way. We must put them right."
Creature Drops Health Reflect Attacks Soul Level
Ash Slave
Ash Salts 60 20 100

Ash Vampire[edit]

Ash Vampire

Ash Vampires are formidable creatures created by the dark magic of Dagoth Ur. They serve as the nobility of the Sixth House. Despite being called "vampires", these creatures are not undead, and it is not possible to catch vampirism from them. Unlike other creatures, there are no generic ash vampires.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul Level
Dagoth Araynys
dagoth araynys
(Mamaea, Sanctum of Black Hope)
6th House Amulet
Soul Ring
Ash Salts
400 360
Dagoth Endus
dagoth endus
(Endusal, Kagrenac's study)
6th House Amulet
Amulet of Heartrime
Ash Salts
300 360
Dagoth Gilvoth
dagoth gilvoth
(Dagoth Ur, Lower Facility)
6th House Amulet
Blood Ring
Ash Salts
400 360
Dagoth Odros
dagoth odros
(Odrosal, Dwemer Training Academy)
6th House Amulet
Amulet of Heartfire
Ash Salts
Dagoth Odros's Key
440 360
Dagoth Tureynul
dagoth Tureynul
(Tureynulal, Kagrenac's Library)
6th House Amulet
Amulet of Heartthrum
Ash Salts
Dagoth Tureynul's Key
300 360
Dagoth Uthol
dagoth uthol
(Kogoruhn, Charma's Breath)
6th House Amulet
Belt of Heartfire
Ash Salts
300 340
Dagoth Vemyn
dagoth vemyn
(Vemynal, Hall of Torque)
6th House Amulet
Amulet of Heartheal
Ash Salts
300 360


  • Killing an Ash Vampire should weaken Dagoth Ur in the following way:
Strength -5 pts
Willpower -5 pts
Speed -5 pts
Health -50 pts
Fatigue -50 pts
Magicka -250 pts
However, scripts cannot affect actors that have not loaded yet, so Dagoth Ur will be weakened only if you visit him before killing an Ash Vampire.
  • PC Only OpenMW fixes this bug. However, that makes it possible to reduce Dagoth Ur's 300 health to zero by killing only six Ash Vampires. To prevent such an outcome, OpenMW also added a hardcoded exception. Thus, killing an Ash Vampire will no longer affect Dagoth Ur in any way.
  • All Ash Vampires have unique dialogue, which often go unnoticed as they immediately initiate combat with the player.

Ash Zombie[edit]

Ash Zombie

Ash Zombies are creatures magically created and transformed by the followers of Dagoth Ur, serving as the lowest minions in the legions of ash creatures. They appear to be Dunmer who have had their upper face (eyes and nose) carved out to leave only a hollow space. Despite being called "zombies", these creatures are not undead.

Their dialogue, if you can calm them, is pleading for Dagoth Ur to talk to them and let them sleep:

"WHERE ARE YOU, LORD? We cannot hear you.... SPEAK to us! PLEASE!"
"What are you? Where is this place? I'm so tired, LET ME SLEEP!"
Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul Level
Ash Zombie
Spiked Club
Ash Salts
  • 1-20 pts melee
Ash Zombie

Corprus Stalker[edit]

Corprus Stalker

Corprus Stalkers are deranged and deformed victims of the dreaded Corprus Disease, which has no known cure. Care must be taken when confronting these creatures as they have become incredibly tough owing to the disease. People in Vvardenfell may warn you that you may be infected with Corprus by fighting Stalkers, but this is untrue: the only ways to become infected are during the Sixth House Base quest (an unavoidable outcome) and from Tanusea Veloth.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul Level
Corprus Stalker
Corprus Weepings 60
  • 5-15 pts melee
  • Regenerate - Restore Health 1-5 pts for 20 secs on Self
Corprus Stalker
(In Berwen's shop in Tel Mora during the Berwen's Stalker quest)
Corprus Stalker
corprus_stalker_fyr01, corprus_stalker_fyr02, corprus_stalker_fyr03
(Tel Fyr, Corprusarium & Corprusarium Bowels)
Corprus Stalker
(Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Manor)
Corprus Stalker
(Vivec, St. Olms Underworks
During The Short Unhappy Life of Danar Uvelas quest
Danar's Ring
Corprus Weepings
Corprus Stalker
(nowhere—it is not used in Berwen's Stalker)
Corprus Weepings 40
  • 1-5 pts melee
  • Regenerate - Restore Health 1-5 pts for 20 secs on Self

Lame Corprus[edit]

Lame Corprus

Lame Corpruses are deformed and deranged victims of the dreaded Corprus Disease, suffering the advanced stages. The disease heightens their Strength and abilities, making them dangerous foes. Like Corprus Stalkers, people will warn you about the threat of catching Corprus from them. Again, this is not true, though they may infect you with Black-Heart Blight.

Creature Drops Health Restore Health Attacks Soul Level
Lame Corprus
Corprus Weepings 90 1-5 160
Lame Corprus
corprus_lame_fyr01, corprus_lame_fyr02,
corprus_lame_fyr03, corprus_lame_fyr04
(Tel Fyr, Corprusarium & Corprusarium Bowels)
Lame Corprus
(Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Manor)